[93] Apple Copying Samsung Meme Free

With steve jobs famousl.
[99] Apple Copying Samsung Meme . Apple says samsung copied iphone after suffering crisis of design apple during opening arguments in a new patent infringement trial wants 2 billion in damages from smartphone rival samsung. Samsung made its mobile fortune on the back of the iphone. Apple and samsung had one other major patent battle which was first decided in 2014 but didn t end until last year.
Apple in contrast has kept the same design since 2015. 08 31 2012 1 apple vs samsung vs nokia 2 samsung paid 1 05 billion to apple by sending 30 trucks containing five cent coins this is the funniest story got widespread attention through social networks and blogs. Sometimes the company keeps a low profile.
It s now been more than five years since apple first slapped samsung with a series of patent infringement lawsuits for copying the overall look and feel of the iphone. The company literally wrote the book on copying the iphone yet samsung is still trying to pretend it didn t copy apple s hardware. Apple makes some change to its iphones samsung s pr company mocks the very idea and finally samsung copies it.
Samsung was at the forefront of that bandwagon ridiculing apple s headphone jack removal through its ads and social media memes. Immediately after apple filed suit against samsung over patent and trade dress infringements android enthusiasts have countered that it was apple that actually copied samsung from the beginning. Samsung will sell you a stylus for 30.
In that case apple won 120 million over violations of its slide to unlock. The only major innovation as is typical for apple is the price. Apple thinks it should cost.
While other android phone makers were soon to follow this trend of removing the headphone jack samsung however stood to its ground and continued making fun of apple.